The “Healthy made Simple” Lifestyle, takes us back thousands of years, where our ancestors lived very differently than we do today. Their food was what they could find locally, and their meat was either caught or hunted.
That way of living was exactly what matched our needs.
Today, we tend to buy a lot of processed foods, because our lifestyle is too busy to do the cooking from scratch.
The “Healthy made Simple” lifestyle is about getting back to making our own meals, using fresh local and seasonal ingredients. It is also about getting families back to the dining table, enjoying a meal together, as well as having conversations across the table.
Simply, be present and interested in the people around you.
It is also about learning to feel, and listening to your inner voice – your gut feeling – your intuition. And just how simple a healthy livestyle can be, when we look at it holistically.
My Seven Steps
I have developed My Seven Steps, because diet and exercise are not the only components when it comes to achieving optimal health.
It is important for you to have balance in your everyday life. The Seven Steps will help you create that balance when all of them are applied every day.
Food Water Sleep Exercise Fresh air Silence Gratitude
Read more about “My Seven Steps” here
You can eat almost anything
If the food has been able to grow on its own, run free, fly or swim, you can eat it.
Always think, the shortest road from farm to fork!
A rule of thumb; if you buy processed foods make sure it has 5 or less ingredients.
Eat all the colors of the rainbow
Make it a habit to have at least 5 different colors on your plate at each meal. Besides creating a more balanced meal, it is also very inviting for your eyes.
The Healthy made Simple Food Circle is put together from the Walter Willet and the Paleo principles, which to me is the closet we come to the Farm to Table concept.
There is nothing you can’t eat, (as long as it is whole food), but there are things you shouldn’t eat very often,
(processed foods and drinks) .

How do you change your lifestyle with no side effects
Changing lifestyles and eating habits can be quite the challenge. Believe me, I know. I’ve been there many times.
If you implement 50 new habits at once, it will backfire, and you end up exactly where you started.
You have to remember, the habits you have now most likely took years to develop!
When I started this journey, I failed many times. But when it dawned on me to only change 2-3 things at a time, everything became much easier.
And that’s exactly what I’ve been teaching for almost 2 decades.
If you have tried change your lifestyle all at once, you have probably experienced headaches, cravings, fatigue and irritability. This is due to 2 main reasons; sugar addiction and detox!
Making changes over time will help your body and mind to better adapt and appreciate what you are trying to do.
You will quickly enjoy the healthy habits and you will start to get more energy, more focus, better digestion and sleep.
When you switch the food that make you store fat, crave sugar as well as “bad” carbohydrates, with food that nourish you and will help you, you will pretty quickly start craving the healthy, and that way stay the course, without any withdrawals.