My journey to better health started because I was sick and couldn’t get answers from modern medicine about what was wrong!
I am born and raised in Denmark, where I lived with my husband and two children, until we had the opportunity to move to the USA in 2013.
I have been self-employed since 2000, and love being my own boss 🙂
My parents owned a jewelry store in Denmark, and as a toddler I was often with them in the store. It is safe to say, I got the retail gene activated from a very young age.
When they retired, I took over the store, thinking this is where I am going to be for the rest of my working life. It turned out, within a few years, not to be the case.
No diagnosis
I had been struggling with different health issues most of my life, such as dizziness, headaches, and memory problems. The Doctors never found anything wrong in any of the different tests they ran, so eventually
I just accepted this condition to be my “normal”.
Fortunately, my mother didn’t agree.
I was only a young teenager when she took me to a Holistic Practitioner, in our home town, to find out what was wrong with me. This is when I started learning a little bit about how everything in your body is connected, and how important it is to eat and live in coherence with your body.
Some of the major challenges I had at the time were Candida, digestive issues. But also the gallbladder and thyroid gland was out of balance.
4-6 week plans were made with strict diets and supplement regimes I had to follow.
BUT, at that age you think you are immortal, and getting really sick is only for old people! Therefore, I struggled to stay on my diets 100%.
There is however, no doubt in my mind, the seed for the Holistic approach was planted in those teenage years.

Picky eater as a child
I was always a very picky eater as a child and young adult.
For many years, the only vegetables I liked were peas and carrots!
When I got home from school, it was white bread with chocolate rather than rye bread.
When starting my own family, I tried really hard to cook healthier food for my family. And I tried to be a better eater myself (had to be an example for my kids, right)
However, there was still a looooong way to a healthy and nutritious diet.
My “wake up” call
Suddenly one day I woke up on the floor of the jewelry store face down, and was rushed to the hospital. Unfortunately they still couldn’t find anything wrong, and I was send home.
After these black outs had happened a couple of times, I decided, once again, to seek answers in the alternative world.
I think, taking over the jewelry stor from my parents, added stress to the list of health issues I was already fighting.
I found a really good Kinesiologist and was throughly tested. She discovered I had a lot of heavy metal in my brain and tissue, as well as an intolerence for Silver.
Not the greatest when you own a jewelry store!
I still wanted to get a diagnosis from the hospital, so with my new found knowledge, I asked to be tested for heavy metals and silver. And big surprise – they were now able to conclude the same as the Kinesiologist.
Time for a change
Now when I knew what had been causing my health issues all my life, my husband and I had long conversations about what to do next. One thing I knew for sure was, I had to make a change in my work life.
Once again, the holistic approach to health and wellness caught my attention.
I knew about reflexology and Eastern medicine, and decided that would be the perfect path.
I did a 2 year education in reflexology, anatomy, physiology and nutrition. What a journey.
Learning how important the right food and supplements are for your health, really kick started my own journey towards health.
After only 6-9 months, I started noticing my memory had improved, which helped me finish my examines.
I actually remembered what I was reading for the first time in my life.
Slowly but surely my health improved, both physically and mentally. This made me realize I had found my calling.
Today, almost two decades later, it is my passion and life mission to help others regain balance and optimal health. And I am happy to say, I love every minute of it.
The “Healthy made Simple” lifestyle and my “Seven Steps” have already helped so many to a better quality of life.
If you think, I just have to eat less and exercise more, then I will be healthy, you are making a big mistake.
Fact is, it is just as important to have mental balance, as well as a positive and high level self awareness.